Friday, September 28, 2007

thank you!

The words of a friend...thank you.

"So, I can't sleep. I've got a lot on my mind at the moment, but for some reason I just started thinking about this thing I saw on someone's facebook profile. I don't remember who it was, but some girl had written on there that she hated girls that called or considered themselves bitches. I guess since you and I have always sort of joked about that, I thought of you too. But anyway, for some reason that's sort of been bugging me. I guess since I do consider myself a bitch, and I obviously don't see that as wrong. So while I was laying in bed I sort of started to think about why I pride myself on that, and this is pretty much what I came up with. Anymore, a bitch is really just someone who knows herself. It's a woman (or any person for that matter) who doesn't feel the need to be nice just cuz it's easier. A woman who holds her own opinions and will defend them. A person who won't be intimidated or mowed over. A person who will be loud and obnoxious when it counts or is necessary (admittedly sometimes when it isn't necessary too). A woman who respects not only herself, but those around her too. I guess that's why I can say I'm a bitch with pride :) And I don't know what made me decide to write you this e-mail and I hope I don't feel too ridiculous when I see it in the morning, but I just wanted you to know that I love you and I love that you know who you are and can be proud of it too."

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